Glutathione Supplementation

There are some medications and supplements that are not well known but have a wide range of possible applications. Medications like low dose naltrexone (LDN) are used by doctors all over the world and have many possible uses. Yet many people do not know about LDN or how it could benefit their condition. Glutathione (GSH) is one of those treatments that has the potential to improve many diseases but is…
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Hormone Imbalance Testing for Menopausal Women

Female hormones affect menstruation, fertility, and libido. An imbalance in hormones like progesterone and estrogen can affect the entire body. Hormone testing is often performed for women who are experiencing menopausal symptoms that are the result of a hormone imbalance. Testing can determine what hormones are low or high and the right dosage of hormone therapy needed to restore balance. For women who are entering menopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT)…
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Migraine Treatment With Compounded Medications

Migraines are severe headaches that are associated with symptoms like nausea, light sensitivity, and numbness. For some a migraine lasts a few hours but for others it may last several days if left untreated. Migraine headaches can occur with or without what is called an “aura.” An aura includes visual disturbances like flashes of light, blind spots, or wavy vision and occurs about a half hour before the onset of…
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The Best Mouthwashes for Dental Procedures

Mouthwashes/mouth rinses are an effective way to prevent and manage oral disease, reduce plaque, make dental procedures easier, and improve healing. This method of delivery is useful because it affects the entire mouth at once and does not involve needles. There are both OTC and prescription mouth rinses available with many different uses. Some oral rinses contain anesthetic ingredients that can make hygiene visits easier. Others contain antiseptic ingredients that…
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Topical Anesthesia for Propel Orthodontics

The Propel technology is used in orthodontics to speed up the movement of teeth. The procedure stimulates cell activity to increase bone turnover by making small perforations in the bone. It is used in combination with orthodontic treatments like traditional braces and Invisalign to get patients results faster and increase practice efficiency.  By affecting the biology of tooth movement, Propel can cut the time that braces need to be worn…
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What is LDN?

Key Points LDN is a lower dose of the FDA-approved drug naltrexone, which has been used for many years to treat opioid addiction. Evidence continues to grow that LDN can be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions including Crohn’s, lupus, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. LDN can only be obtained from a compounding pharmacy since the lower dosages of naltrexone are not FDA-approved. LDN Advantages Low cost: LDN is…
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What Are the Best Hyaluronic Acid Products?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the body that is most abundant in the skin. When used in anti-aging products it has two main applications: as an injectable facial filler to reduce wrinkles and provide fuller lips and as a topical anti-aging product applied to the face. Applied topically it is an effective humectant because it is able to hold up to 1,000 times its weight in…
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What is the Best Melasma Cream?

Is There a Melasma Cure? Melasma is a skin condition that results in patches of brown and gray hyperpigmentation on the face and sometimes other parts of the body. The condition is common in women, especially those who are pregnant, with only about 10% of individuals with melasma being men. While the condition has no cure, there are both preventative measures that can reduce the risk of flare-ups and effective…
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T3 Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hypothyroidism is the under-production of thyroid hormones resulting in important body processes no longer functioning properly. Hormones produced by the thyroid glands including T3 hormone have a critical impact on many processes of the body through managing metabolic rate. (For more in-depth information about hypothyroidism go to our Education Center.) Since there is no cure for hypothyroidism, it usually requires lifelong hormone replacement therapy with daily supplementation. The hormone therapy…
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Dr. Jack Newman’s All Purpose Nipple Ointment

We compound APNO at our pharmacy and ship to most states. To learn more call us at (805) 497-8258 or contact us online. There are multiple products available that individually treat each of the factors that can cause nipple soreness. A combination of treatments is the best approach since it is not always easy to detect the exact cause. At Park Compounding Pharmacy we make All Purpose Nipple Ointment with…
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